Comapny Profile:
Vikas Engineering is a 9001: 2008 certified company designing and manufacturing all types of Incinerators, since 1992. We are leading the engineering industry with respect to activities of supplying and manufacturing Incinerator to chemical plants, pharmaceuticals, environmental projects, etc.
Since the last 20 years, Vikas Engineering has manufactured incinerators through detailed, engineering, manufacturing, and installation of incinerators from a capacity of 2KG/HR UP TO 5000KG/HR for various waste materials such as hazardous wastes, Medical Wastes, Solid wastes (and semi solid), liquid wastes, and municipal wastes and many other types of wastes.
We have always upgraded ourselves with the latest technological changes and have manufactured incinerators for government, semi government, corporates, and the private sector. We have successfully installed more than 250s with utmost client satisfaction.
Our Work Place
We have the best engineers in the field of manufacturing incinerators and have the best work culture any company can provide to its employees.
We are proud of the work culture in our company which has been the spearhead of our success.
Our Products
We manufacture a range of products such as Incinerators, Reaction Vessels, Pollution Equipment, Effluent Treatment Plants, Chemicals Autoclaves etc. We have successfully mastered the art of manufacturing the best products with the best efficiency.
How does an incinerator work?
It mainly consists of two combustion chambers and a scrubbing. It has a furnace which is made of heavy and well-insulated materials which helps in controlling the heat produced. We have been successfully able to manage high levels of heat inside the incinerators which help in degenerating the residuals to its maximum levels. The incinerator destroys harmful materials from being disposed off in landfills, which in turn pollute rivers and increase toxicity of land.
Our Work Force
We are a team of engineers and technicians who are experts at designing incinerators from its inception to the designing and the entire process of degeneration of waste materials. Our team designs the incinerators at the sites of clients delivering the best quality, design, and function per the customer requirements.
Optimization of the best technologies makes us the best team.
Our Marketing Team with the help of the Maintenance and Installation Department delivers the best products with utmost customer satisfaction.
We at Vikas believe that the best technologies can give the best results only if the end customers have the optimal results. Therefore, we have a continuous process of R&D at every stage of manufacturing.
We also provide In House Analysis such as:
Analysis of liquid, solid, gaseous forms of wastes.
Maintenance and Tests of units at regular intervals.
Trials to establish and support our designs.
Development of new units per customer requirements.
It has through our high quality standards that we have been able to compete with the best in the industry and have in a large way contributed to the Society by producing units for industries, corporations, and various organizations.
Designing of Units
We have a team from all engineering faculties such as Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation, and Civil involved in doing their best making sure we deliver the best products with regards to designs and versions of units manufactured by us.